D-link router backdoor

If you have D-Link brand network gear read this.

Short version for non-technical folks: If you are depending on D-Link hardware to keep the bad guys out, unplug it now.

Oooh, they have vortices on the radio now!

Everybody says Viktor Schauberger was mentally ill. Probably because he almost certainly was, just like Nickie Tesla. A lot of the stuff he wrote, especially after spending time in German concentrations camps and mental hospitals, looks pretty insane.

But Schauberger (1885-1958) not only went off on some wild tangents that make modern dilution homeopaths look relatively cogent, he also seems to have performed some engineering wonders; devising self-cleaning pipes, log flumes for heavier-than-water wood, and hydro turbines with previously unheard of efficiency. He consulted with Messerschmidt and Henkel on engine and prop designs even while he was confined in an asylum and under constant SS supervision (Schauberger was apparently a little too open about his disapproval of Hitler, but like Porsche simply too valuable to execute). If you google him, you will find he is a darling of Internet perpetual-motion nuts and free energy heretics.

Vortices of radio frequency energy for communications sounds like something straight out of the Schauberger playbook, though, doesn’t it?

Every time I read about Francis turbine design, vortex tubes or the Compound Vortex Controlled Combustion cycle I remember Viktor Schauberger. Vortices are fascinating & beautiful.

(Apologies to Matt Groening for post title.)

wifi range tripler

Erik Troan says the hField wi-fire feels cheesy, but works good. Their website is currently chockablock with wordpress PHP errors, and is pretty much unusable with scripts and cookies turned off, so maybe Erik’s description applies to their website, too. It directs you to well-known reseller sites for the actual purchase.