I’m arguing with Red Hat again… the latest downloadable DVD of RHEL6 by default installs part of samba 4, which is supposed to be an unsupported “technology preview” and not a mainline package. In what world does it make sense for your flagship product, for which you sell expensive support contracts, to depend on a chunk of code you decline to support? How is that not bad craziness?
If you try to tear it out with rpm -e you’ll get sssd dependency errors. And ghods, I hate the way RHEL6 and up basically force you to run half-baked name and authentication service caching daemons – my networks worked faster and better without caching, because we actually had a high performance LDAP infrastructure that didn’t need such Microsofty complications. But that’s another rant entirely.
dependency hell, you trigger bug 984727 which Red Hat has set to CLOSED WONTFIX.
ANYway, if you say OK I will upgrade to Samba 4 to avoidUpdate: Andreas Schneider of Red Hat and the Samba Team has clarified the matter. Since FreeIPA (Red Hat’s Active Directory implementation) and sssd (Red Hat’s new authentication daemon, much like PADL’s PAM and NSS modules only rawer and more oriented toward caching) both require the samba4-libs library in RHEL6, that single package is now officially supported – although version 4 of the Samba Suite is otherwise still a “technology preview”.