3 states now blocking Tesla sales

New Jersey has joined Arizona and Texas in banning direct sales of Tesla electric vehicles to the public.

Chris Christie, that fearless champion of free enterprise and democracy, used his personal control of the state’s Motor Vehicle Commission to end-run the representative branch of New Jersey’s government, who might have raised some sort of ethical objections to what Christie called “the cold, hard hand of government determining winners and losers.”

Tesla will presumably have to shut down its two dealerships in New Jersey, which were giving well-heeled NJ residents a way they could personally and individually choose to reduce the tailpipe-emission pollution problem that sends 53,000 Americans to an early grave every year.

Is the inevitable apotheosis of the Reagan “Revolution”? Parasitic middle-men and Ayn Rand worshipping dirty energy producers using their control over the machines of government to prevent individuals from taking effective action on the behalf of their neighbors and descendants? These people believe that any action that is not motivated by greed should be forbidden, and it seems that they have the power to make it so.

time to play whack-a-mole

Bev Harris of Black Box Voting has obtained and published source code to the Accenture voting software used in US elections!

Excerpt from Bev’s post:

Note that one of the service items reveals that it was tripling votes for “random” voters in the 2004 primary. Files I have obtained show that it doubled or tripled votes in the 2008 primary, and also in the May 2010 and Aug 2010 primaries in Tennessee. However: It is not random. It only appears to be random when voters are sorted by fields other than precinct/voter ID. In fact, it is doubling and tripling recorded votes in white Republican suburbs.

Everyone with any computer chops who has actually been studying this issue knows that vote-rigging has been on the rise in the US for quite some time. It’s always seemed pretty clear to me that vote fraud is not nationally co-ordinated – it’s happening all over the place, in individual districts, and both parties are involved. Basically, an eminently hackable voting machine with no audit trail is an attractive nuisance.

BBV is (so far) holding up under the load, and (so far) hasn’t been shut down by the authorities. I’m hoping for a repeat of the DeCSS whack-a-mole comedy. Download it and pass it on!

evan roth is speaking directly to the goon squad

Evan Roth is speaking up. check him out..

A long time ago, I went to vote, and due to my habit of voting for my mom as a write-in whenever the candidates all seem incompetent to me (my mom could TOTALLY do any job in state government) I kept crashing the voting machine.

I should add a caveat here; sometimes I just haven’t had the time to study the issues and really get to know the candidates for some particular job, like trash commissioner or protonothary. If I don’t know anything about any of the candidates, I don’t vote in that race at all – in Delaware, you can leave all the spaces blank and still push the big VOTE button, it essentially counts as “none of the above”. I only vote for my mom when all the candidates are dirtbags, idiots or tools, which happens surprisingly often.

Anyway, the voting machine I was using was broken, so that any time you tried to do a write-in it crashed. The third time I crashed it, I asked to use a different machine. The voting officials had interesting reactions; the middle aged white man wrung his hands and tried his ineffectual best to help, calling various authorities and begging for guidance, which they did not provide, but the elderly black lady informed me in no uncertain terms that I would not be allowed to touch any more of “her” voting machines, because I would likely break them too, and as far as she was concerned I had voted (even though the machine dumped core every time I pressed “VOTE”). She was quite ready to physically take me on, despite being twice my age and half my size. Elderly black ladies are the backbone of the local election system, really; even though she was wrong, I have to admire the fact that she really cared. It wasn’t just a paycheck to her, and she’d decided I was a threat to Democracy.

I appealed to the people standing in line, waiting to vote. A few of them had the guts to tell me to go to hell, and get out of their way, but most looked away and refused to get involved when I pointed out that I was being deprived of my constitutional right to vote because the machine was broken. They just wanted to get on with their lives, and I was an annoying distraction.

Not with a bang, but a whimper. Rock on, Evan Roth.