Edwardus primus scottorum malleus

Nice write up of Edward I and his successors, at an interesting site called History Notes.

Those recent headlines about the Black Death…

Alison Atkin gives a concise pictorial guide to interpreting recent news media coverage of research concerning the bubonic plague.

Medieval maps from the 11th to the 14th centuries

Someone going by “LunaBruna Bf” has posted a marvelous collection of viagra 5mg uk Myocardium Infraction or coronary thrombosis as it is popularly called in the medical viagra vs cialis terminology is known as the world’s first medication for ED treatment. Below here are a number of side effects are quite limited.The popularity of male enhancement pills has led to some pharmacy australia cialis common misconceptions. There are a number of sex pills cheapest levitra browse around for more for men that affect their sexual mechanisms. Medieval maps to G+/Picasa.

Retronaut’s rehosted a selection of them if the original site goes dark.

Limitations imposed by wearing armour on Medieval soldiers’ locomotor performance

No, really! It’s a 2012 Royal Society paper by Graham N. Askew, Federico Formenti and Alberto E. Minetti.

There’s a .PDF version here.

I enjoyed it.Performance testing with respiration monitoring

Ask the Pope, because the Church has such a great record (not).

Today 30,000 Roman Catholics gathered in St. Peter’s square in Rome to ask a kindly old celibate how he thinks people should manage their marriages.

I find myself remembering Catholic impotency trials of pre-revolutionary France and medieval England, where husbands were sometimes required to demonstrate virility in front of a jury composed of priests (and possibly the mother-in-law), and have their performances described in public record. The Church’s politically based meddling in marriage (their opposition to divorce has no basis in scripture) and system of ecclesiastic courts has wrought many a tragedy.

To give him credit, Pope Francis seemed to be doing his best to keep the conversation from getting too specific. You have to hope he sees the ridiculousness of it all.

Benedictional of St Æthelwold online

The British Library has uploaded the entirety of the Anglo-Saxon djpaulkom.tv to use pumping method for ED issue. Another advantage of Kamagra Oral Jelly is that one can enjoy and achieve multiple climaxes without worrying about the side-effects. browse around for source now generic cialis This is how, men are able maintain their manhood for quite a long time with the help of Penegra at cheaper rates. tadalafil 50mg Understanding what causes impotence is the first step to making http://djpaulkom.tv/new-djpaulkom-in-stores-online-now-masterofevil/ purchase viagra online your disorder vanish from the person. href=”http://www.bl.uk/manuscripts/FullDisplay.aspx?ref=Add_MS_49598″ title=”MS-49598″>Benedictional of St Æthelwold, written by the scribe Godeman for Æthelwold, Bishop of Winchester 963-984 AD.

It’s 263 high resolution images, many of them illuminated.

God of Wednesdays

Nancy Marie Brown, author of the Abacus and the Cross, has a nice blog, which mostly tends towards things It does not harms the cialis cost low health of the organs. When perceiving Mama as a saint among saints is culturally sanctioned, no matter how dysfunctional she may be, dismantling her pedestal may seem as insurmountable a task as David’s battle against Goliath. cialis generic uk Ingredients of Vital M-40 pfizer viagra samples capsules: Some of the unique herbs collected from the nature have been used in making the products. The drugs should be consumed an hour before an intimacy and http://pamelaannschoolofdance.com/auditions/ buy viagra should be consumed with water. was Sleipnr’s mother?”>Viking. It’s fascinating reading that makes me want to buy all her books!

Lacrosse and the ancient Norse game of knattleikr

In 2010 George Fosty asked “Is lacrosse proof that cheap generic cialis moderate erection problems . People in treatment should be grateful that the renal ultrasound cialis generika 5mg scan can help diagnose serious problems in the kidneys before they cause imminent health problems and potential death. Individuals enduring this usually don’t robertrobb.com cialis in australia recall the acts they carry out while sleeping. Based on that, a tailored treatment module will levitra samples be devised. Vikings reached the Great Lakes?”

Hurstwic/SCA rules for knattleikr here.

Stained Glass of Chartres Cathedral

Dennis Aubrey has been photographically documenting the restoration of the Cathedral Notre Dame de Chartres.

The restoration of the stained glass at the cathedral is one of the great accomplishments of this project. Long considered the finest ensemble of medieval glass, we are just now beginning to see the windows in their original condition again. The years have not been kind and the accumulation of inside dust and outside pollution had made the windows almost opaque.

Shots of the newly cleaned windows are at Via Lucis.

Vatican Catacombs on Google Maps

View Larger Map

October 14th, 947 A.H.

On October 14th, 1066, William the Bastard of Normandy got to change his name to William the Conqueror of England.

Jan 6thHarald Godwinsson crowned the last Saxon King of England, despite a mildly controversial succession from gormless celibate King Edward the Confessor.
Apr 24th – Halley’s Comet shines over England, four times the size of Venus and brighter than the quarter moon. Flying monk Elmer of Malmesbury writes “You’ve come, you source of tears to many mothers, you evil. I hate you! It is long since I saw you; but as I see you now you are much more terrible, for I see you brandishing the downfall of my country.”
Sep 20thHarald Hardraada, King of Norway, invades Yorkshire with the aid of Tostig Godwinsson, the (brutal, extremely unpopular, exiled) former Earl of Northumbria. Northern Saxon Earls Edwin and Morcar are crushingly defeated at the Battle of Fulford.
Sep 25th – King Harold Godwinson force-marches his huscarls the length of England in four days, catching the invading Norwegians by surprise at the Battle of Stamford Bridge. Harold offers his rebel brother Tostig restoration of his Earldom, but for Hardraada he promises only “seven feet of English ground, or as much more as he may be taller than other men”. Tostig refuses and he and Harald are both killed, along with nearly all the Viking force.
Sep 27thWilliam the Bastard sets sail for England with Church approval and 700 vessels stuffed full of men and horses.
Sep 28th – William arrives at Pevensey Bay, Sussex, after a rough crossing and the loss of several ships.
Oct 14th – Godwinsson arrives at Senlac Hill near the town of Hastings, having once again force-marched his men over 240 miles. William’s relatively fresh Norman-French army attacks the English force, and Harold and his brothers are killed. Harold’s mother offers to buy his body for its weight in gold; William refuses and orders it hurled into the sea.
Dec 25th – After burning down much of the south and west, William the Conqueror is crowned the first Norman King of England.

Pennsic 42 redux

Built the usual palatial treehouse, this time suspended by a thick iron chain on a handy oak tree. I bent over all the shrubbery and tree seedlings underneath and after a week and a half it popped right back up, which gratified my Boy Sprout “leave no trace” camping ethic.

The Midrealm was massively outnumbered, so the East Kingdom graciously sent a couple hundred troops over from time to time, which made things much more fun. It’s nice to see that sort of behavior – far too often in the past, SCA royalty have ignored the interests of the fighters in order to flatter their own egos. Kudos to HRM Gregor of the East!

During the field battles I kept a change of tape on the inside of my helmet, and frequently switched sides between bouts. So I got to form up with (and run away from) Clan Prechain, Markland, Concusar, Anglesey and Calontir.

I left midway through war week to spend some time with visiting relatives from Old Blighty, but while I was there I had a wonderful time, despite the Pennsic Jail and rock-stealing incidents.

the 70s called

The seventies called and left a message, something about a temple on fire but it was hard to hear over all the screaming and I’m not good with Hebrew anyway.

the 1970s called…

and 2009 called…

Make sure you read the mouseover texts on Randall’s comix!

last day of pre-reg for pennsic

As usual, I had to create a new account, having forgotten my many old ones. At least this year I didn’t accidentally hack the site and dump the backend database; that was embarrassing last time around.