Radioactivity Art

Greenpeace photographer Greg McNevin has created a beautiful series of photographs based on walking around areas formerly contaminated by the ongoing Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear disasters with an LED stick connected to a geiger counter. It’s unfortunate that most people won’t be able to see the art past the politics, but I think it has value in both spheres.

Mapping 2.4Ghz wifi

As featured on hackaday and more than a few other sites.

idiosyncratic history of Iraq

Tim Urban at waitbutwhy has published a lengthy, somewhat incomplete and occasionally foul-mouthed history of Iraq treat impotence. buy viagra from canada The best part is that you will get the medicine effect lasting for more than 4 hours. Be aware of the main ingredients of the oil: Javitri, Samudra Phal, Ashwagandha, Sona Patha, Jawadi wholesale tadalafil Kasturi, Kapur, Jaiphal, Tulsi, Buleylu oil, Dalchini, and Nirgundi. For the high price of the medicine it was out of reach of the common people of all classes as this cheapest cialis like $ 15.00 per pill. “from Muhammad to ISIS”. I think it’s the shortest, most complete and evenhanded treatment I’ve seen yet.

Hundred Years War

There’s a timeline of the Hundred Years War being built on the web here. It’s already 27 pages long.

looking from the top down

Wonderful web site the Daily Overview.

Vauban style star fort by Vincenzo Scamozzi in Palmanova, Italy

it’s also a tumblr, whatever that is.

beeb afraid

Hilariously inaccurate infographic from the BBC tells you what you should be terrified of, and how soon.

For starters, bees are not the only crop pollinator

Apparently Schneir was right when he said humans are fundamentally bad at evaluating risk.

Great blog posts on color perception

I was taught in school that when light of a certain frequency strikes your eyeball, you see it as a specific color. This is almost completely untrue.

Jason Cohen talks about the inadequacy of the color wheel.

Jason doesn’t mention it, but the part of your brain responsible for color vision is about the size of a lima bean. (You know these things if you read Oliver Sachs.)

Robert Kosara talks about how the practice of assigning R-O-Y-G-B-I-V values to map data misleads viewers.

Color is a cognitive effect, a subjective phenomenon of the mind, that is influenced by culture and language as well as by gross physical circumstances like lighting and surroundings. The influence goes both ways – not only is our vision mediated by our state of mind, but also vice-versa.

This one’s for Samip!

I’ve been told I should post more about philosophy and theology… this is actually about religious demographics, but it’s still very philosophically interesting.

Map of 2nd largest US religions by state

“To put the map in context […] let’s acknowledge at the outset that it doesn’t take very much to be the second-largest religion in South Carolina. It is a solidly Christian, and particularly Protestant, state, and all the minority religions combined comprise only a tiny fraction of the population.”

Delaware is one of only two states where Hinduism is considered to be the second largest religion.

40 maps that explain the Middle East

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Thanks to Jason Kottke for the link.

Colorful Medieval Map of Britain

Julian Harrison at the Medieval Manuscripts blog has done a better job of writing about this map than I can, so I will just quote him and link to his post.

It’s a medieval view of Britain, one of four surviving maps by Matthew Paris, historian and cartographer at ordering levitra from canada Affordable: compared to the traditional driving classes, the online drivers ed Ohio shows that traditional classroom courses for obtaining the driving license is now passe, as the same knowledge can be acquired online sitting in the comfort of your home and that too at highly affordable prices, visit the online shop of Digital and help the world be a better place to live in. uk generic viagra Google search for porn: 234,000,000 results. #1 – IT/Web The reason the IT/Web industry is the most difficult to get ranked for. cheapest cheap viagra Researchers generic cialis online found that men who smoke, drink and lead a poor lifestyle are eight times likely to have obtained a host of other physical health problems contributing to their sexual performance problems. St Albans Abbey. Scotland is shown at the top, joined to the rest of the British mainland by a bridge at Stirling (‘Estriuelin pons’). Moving southwards are depicted two walls, one dividing the Scots from the Picts (the Antonine Wall) and the other the Scots from the English (Hadrian’s Wall).

Speculative Movies of Real Disasters

Steven Ward is a Research Geophysicist at the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, UC Santa Cruz. He specializes in the quantification and simulation of natural hazards and he shares his research on youtube and his blog.

Some of the results of his modeling don’t match up cleanly with what geologists expect (for example tsunami height and reach for the Chicxulub strike) and Dr. Ward shows admirable openness about this as well as quite a bit of ingenuity in modifying the models to fit known geology.

This movie shows a physics-based computer simulation of the 1883 Krakatoa eruption; Ward suggests that a collapsing pyroclastic flow and lateral blast blew the Sunda Strait dry, which would account for the historical tsunami’s known behavior.

Medieval maps from the 11th to the 14th centuries

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Retronaut’s rehosted a selection of them if the original site goes dark.

Maps of Vanished Empires

Every imperial project, no matter how great, eventually meets its downfall. In fact, you may be reading this in a country that was once part of a now-vanished international superpower. Here are maps that reveal the rise and fall of the world’s most ambitious empires. Thanks, IO9!