Tesla Motors opens electric car patents

Tesla Motors has decided to encourage competition by letting everyone have access to their technology edge.

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crank powered beer cooler

Dillweed points out that this could make you the hero of Pennsic.

Of course, at my house you’d just put your beers in the stream. And tell the kids not to mess with them, of course, to avoid any repeats of the watermelon incident.

Toyota linear generator

Crankless linear motors are not new, but haven’t been very successful historically. Not only are they more difficult to engineer than crankshaft engines, they also haven’t generally been as useful because what we’ve needed has usually been rotating forces, like for example to drive wheels and generators.

But Toyota has wedded the linear motor with a linear generator that reminds me of the (awful, don’t buy one) shake-light and adapted it to power generation for series hybrid vehicles, where it makes a suprising amount of sense.

A series hybrid is one where only the electric motor ever powers the wheels directly; the fuel-burning engine runs a generator to provide electricity rather than motive power. A parallel hybrid is one where the fueled engine and the electric motor are both always driving the wheels. The Prius is neither, which is why the Prius was such a gamechanger for hybrid vehicle technology.

Other researchers have noted the ability of modern fuel injection systems to compensate for most of the traditional problems of crankless linear engines, and built multi-fuel versions.

Creeping Charlie is Edible

I have truly ridiculous quantities of lesser celandine (pilewort, Ranunculus ficaria) and ground ivy (creeping charlie, Glechoma hederacea) in the yard… but it turns out both of these are edible! You have to cook pilewort, though, or it’s mildly toxic and tastes bitter.

The only sure-fire way to get rid of pilewort (also called fig buttercup) is to grub up the tuberous roots and completely destroy them, so I was pleased to learn you can boil, roast or hot-pickle the tubers. And apparently right now is the time to harvest them, after the flowers have died and the leaves are yellowing off.

Lesser Celandine Stroganoff
Lesser Celandine and Ground Ivy Stew
Lesser Celandine and Lamb Heart Stew
Ground Ivy Horseradish Mayo (I wonder if you can substitute garlic mustard root for the horseradish? We have plenty of that.)

This area has lots of wild garlic (crow garlic, Allium vineale) too. It’s delicious chopped and mixed with ground bison to make a cheeseburger, and the chopped leaves are like strongly flavored chives.

Hydrogen again rears its petrochemical head

Another breathless article about the wonderful earth-saving hydrogen revolution that’s been just around the corner since the 1980s.

Here’s the breakdown on the hydrogen swindle. It’s all just basic science.

1) Usable hydrogen does not occur naturally on Earth, you have to make it. There isn’t any hydrogen well, there aren’t any hydrogen mines. The easiest way to make large quantities is something called steam reformation but you can also electrolyze water.

2) Since you have to expend energy to make usable hydrogen, hydrogen is not really a fuel like oil or coal, hydrogen is a way to store energy produced in some other way. You don’t get all the energy you spent back out, either; there’s some loss involved. So you can burn polluting fossil fuels to make hydrogen from natural gas, and actually create more pollution and waste than you’d make running directly from the fossil fuels without any hydrogen being involved.

3) Sure, you can make hydrogen using a sustainable energy source like solar or wind. But comparing stored hydrogen to other energy storage technologies, such as batteries, you find that hydrogen has extremely poor energy density – that is, a battery that can store just as much energy as a hydrogen tank of a given size is significantly smaller than the hydrogen tank – and if you are using the latest technologies, the battery will be lighter and safer as well.

So while hydrogen has many wonderful properties, IT IS NOT A FUEL and it isn’t even a very good energy storage medium (at least compared to batteries) for most purposes. And we haven’t even talked yet about the expense and difficulties associated with storing and using it!

The truth is Big Oil likes hydrogen because any so-called “hydrogen economy” would necessarily be built and run on petroleum and natural gas. And another truth seems to be that you can sell any pseudo-scientific energy quackery in California, since they’ve already been around this barn twice now and are apparently still falling for the same nonsense.

E-20 restoration on Ebay going cheap

Jeff Antonucci’s got a fully restored General Electric E20 electric garden tractor for sale on eBay. This is the big boy of the Elec-Trak family, only the I5 is arguably mightier, and right now it’s going very cheaply – less than a grand for a machine that uses no gasoline and requires almost no maintenance.

Jeff is a long-time Elec-Trak enthusiast known for his superb restorations. He’s replaced the Apollo-era motor controls with a modern Alltrax fully electronic controller, which is a tried and true upgrade.

Not actually Jeff's E20, but an identical one.

Ever wonder where all that road salt went?

Stroud Water Research Center has the the skinny.

A couple of years ago a salt truck driver decided it was quittin’ time and dumped the end of his load in a two-foot deep dune across Upper Pike Creek Road, where it impeded traffic more than the snow it was supposed to be melting. After a while I went out and shoveled it up into a couple of garbage-bag-lined steel trash cans, and I’ve been using it ever since to melt ice at the local Unitarian Church (don’t want those elderly church ladies to slip, they are the backbone of the nation!).

I’d be happier if the USA gave up on salting and plowing roads entirely, but perhaps our people don’t have enough common sense and imagination to survive winter in the real world any more. Certainly most Americans I meet can’t realistically conceive of a world without road salt or snowplows… a world that we once took for granted.

Unstoppable K700

A green vehicle it ain’t, but the Russian K700 is still pretty amazing.

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” — Winston Churchill

Classic Electric Garden Tractor for sale

Jeff Antonucci, who is fairly well known and respected in the EV world, has restored a New Idea EGT-150, which is a clone of the GE Elec-Trak E15, and has it up for sale.

Jeff describes his restoration (photo-documented at the Elec-Trak Owner’s Club Forum):

Fully disassembled, sand blasted, powder coated, all new hardware, all new contactors and relays, all motors rebuilt with new bearings and the brushes were replaced where necessary. All new Cole Hersee control switches. Transaxle rebuilt as well. New Carlisle tires. Charger upgraded to include a Landis controller in addition to the timer and a switch to choose between the two. Includes fully restored mower deck.

By incorporating lots of tried-and-true small improvements (like the Landis controller, late model electrics, heavier springs and bearings here and there, etc.) Jeff’s made the machine better than the original, and the original was actually pretty good – although only about 3000 of them were made, there are still some in service after 40 years of continuous use.
Restored EGT-150 electric garden tractor
I would happily buy this machine, if I didn’t already have an original I-5!

Native American Chickens

No, not Dick Cheney.

The Boston Globe has some newly digitized footage of the New England Heath Hen (Tympanuchus cupido cupido) taken by the Massachusetts Department of Conservation Division of Fisheries and Game in 1918.

If you want to know what the Heath Hen sounded like before it was hunted to extinction in 1932, Arkive.org has more recent footage of the Greater Prairie Chicken (Tympanuchus cupido pinnatus), which is rapidly headed for extinction itself.

3 states now blocking Tesla sales

New Jersey has joined Arizona and Texas in banning direct sales of Tesla electric vehicles to the public.

Chris Christie, that fearless champion of free enterprise and democracy, used his personal control of the state’s Motor Vehicle Commission to end-run the representative branch of New Jersey’s government, who might have raised some sort of ethical objections to what Christie called “the cold, hard hand of government determining winners and losers.”

Tesla will presumably have to shut down its two dealerships in New Jersey, which were giving well-heeled NJ residents a way they could personally and individually choose to reduce the tailpipe-emission pollution problem that sends 53,000 Americans to an early grave every year.

Is the inevitable apotheosis of the Reagan “Revolution”? Parasitic middle-men and Ayn Rand worshipping dirty energy producers using their control over the machines of government to prevent individuals from taking effective action on the behalf of their neighbors and descendants? These people believe that any action that is not motivated by greed should be forbidden, and it seems that they have the power to make it so.

Is the Sustainable Forestry Initiative for real?

The Forest Ethics website says SFI is a greenwashing scam.

Electric riding mower at CES!

The Cub Cadet RTZ-S Zero isn’t quite as good as a 1973 Elec-Trak… because it’s not a garden tractor capable of mowing, it’s a dedicated riding lawnmower. CES coverage at wired.com.

Despite the battery life being somewhat disappointing compared to Apollo-era Elec-Traks, it looks like a very nice machine – and only about $1100 more than a comparable gasser, so it’d pay for itself pretty quickly if you actually need a riding mower. And there’s an upside to the shorter run time and dedication to a single job – you have to figure it’s probably significantly lighter than the larger Elec-traks with their quarter-ton of lead-acid batteries – you can’t really hop off a stuck E20 or I5 and just push it out of a ditch like a gasoline rider, you have to go fetch a heavy tow chain.

Fighting “Doubt Science”

In 2010 Dr. Laura Welch wrote an exhaustively researched and documented amicus brief to the Michigan Supreme Court titled “Asbestos Exposure Causes Mesothelioma, But Not This Asbestos Exposure” exposing the practice of “doubt science”. The brief was signed by 51 other notable physicians and medical researchers.

…the vast amount of additional scientific information regarding asbestos and mesothelioma, provides more than sufficient evidence to allow someone to conclude within a reasonable degree of scientific certainty that a mesothelioma in a mechanic who worked with asbestos-containing brakes was caused by that asbestos exposure. Since 2000, Ford, General Motors, and Chrysler have paid over $30,000,000 to hire consultants for the purpose of generating the very papers they rely upon, and for testifying regarding those papers in Courts.

One of the main industry experts has acknowledged that the papers were conceived and authored for the purpose of buttressing testimony in court cases involving mechanics suffering from mesothelioma.

The same expert also acknowledged that this business model is a pattern he has also followed with dioxin, benzene, hexavalent chromium, beryllium, formaldehyde, and glycol ethers. Recent revelations regarding undisclosed involvement of the employer of these experts in connection with publication of a paper favorable to the chromium industry have been well publicized and led to the retraction of that paper.

It is in no way surprising that the experts and papers financed by these manufacturers conclude that asbestos in brakes can never cause mesothelioma. To the contrary, the exoneration of the sponsoring industry is the expected conclusion of doubt science.

Robert Kehoe, Charles Kettering and Thomas Midgley created doubt science so that General Motors and DuPont could knowingly poison the world with tetra ethyl lead. Over the years the Merchants of Doubt have become an accepted part of the American dialogue, and doubt science is used in courtrooms, newspapers and bar-rooms to justify and applaud all sorts of vicious, completely avoidable crimes against humanity knowingly committed by the wealthy corporations that own our political leadership in order to marginally increase their profits.

Fluvial Geomorphology

Went to a lecture at the Stroud Water Research Center given by Melinda Daniels, their new fluvial geomorphologist. There was wine, cheese and coffee (but I opted for a couple Guinnesses at dinner instead).

Fluvial geomorphology is a term coined by Luna Leopold to describe science concerned specifically with the influence of flowing surface water on the physical shape of the earth, primarily through the mechanisms of erosion and deposition. It differs from hydrology and limnology in that it focuses on the landscape, although it also involves the study of precipitation and the flow of water as dynamic primary processes shaping the land.

The talk was pretty good; Dr. Daniels spoke directly to the needs and concerns of local landholders trying to improve the quality of streams and rivers on their properties, as well as providing an interesting and informative talk for the room at large. We enjoyed it.

Man, despite his artistic pretensions, his sophistication and many accomplishments, owes the fact of his existence to a six-inch layer of topsoil and the fact that it rains. –John Jeavons

More electric car charging stations

Charging Stations in the USA

Katie Peek at Popular Science points out:

More than half of the nation’s 8,051 electric-vehicle charging stations have opened since 2012.

Click the image to visit the site where she found that data.

Cree LED lighting available at The Home Despot

Sean Hollister shares the numbers:

$12.97 for a “warm white” 60-watt equivalent, providing 800 lumens of light for 9.5W of electricity, at a warm color temperature of 2,700K

$13.97 for a “day light” 60-watt equivalent, with 800 lumens of light at a cost of 9W of electricity, at a cooler color temperature of 5,000K

$9.97 for a “warm white” 40-watt equivalent, with 450 lumens of light for 6W of electricity, again at a warmer 2,700K.

You can buy direct from Cree if you prefer.

Kid’s greenfest!

The Newark Center for Creative Learning (which I can’t say enough good about) held their Kid’s Greenfest yesterday. The weather was great but I got sunburnt standing by a large portable solar array chatting with local solar geeks CMI Electric about electric tractors, grid-tie inverters and the voltage and current profiles of thin-film .vs. polycrystalline PV panels. Heather persuaded Senator Chris Coons to make me a fruit smoothie with the NCCL fender-blender (bike provided by the Newark Bike Project). She said he was a good sport about it, and I said I was pleased to see him actually working for somebody who voted for him – instead of greedy media conglomerates.

Several local organic farmers showed up, including a CSA, and I bought a dozen Americana and Buff Orpington eggs… they’re brown and pale green.