Fukushima still not under control

Three years ago Japan’s Fukushima nuclear fission reactor complex was damaged by a tsunami.

At no time, between then and today, has the ongoing ecological catastrophe at the Fukushima site ever been under control. The operator, TEPCO, has occasionally claimed otherwise, but each time subsequent events have proven TEPCO wrong.

Today, and every day of the last three years, powerful and long lasting poisons have been leaking into the soil, water and air we humans share with every other living thing on this planet.

Something many people don’t realize is that nuclear fission reactors are not commercially viable without the sponsorship of governments. This is a simple and incontrovertible fact – no fission reactor has ever turned a profit except through the redirection of tax dollars. Not ever! Furthermore, safe operation of nuclear fission reactors is incompatible with Western commercial values – our socio-economic system is designed to ensure the lowest cost by pitting separate businesses against each other, each cutting corners until a failure occurs, so that the business that runs “leanest” survives to dominate the market and those that cut too far go bankrupt. Unfortunately, the failures that come from cutting corners in nuclear fission plant operation last for generations, and never stop incurring costs during that time. The total costs for remediating a single Chernobyl or Fukushima far outstrip any profits that could have been made by a dozen tax-sponsored “successful” plants.

Perhaps overtly socialist countries like France and Sweden, with their completely different systems of regulation and operation, can have safe nuclear fission. I tend to doubt it; at the timescale these reactions occur, human perfidy is a given. But maybe it can be done, and I admire those countries’ attempts to do it right.

Here in the USA, as in Japan, nuclear fission is an obsolete and foolish technology, incompatible with our needs and vision.