Firefox annoyance #5: redirect caching

Firefox Annoyances:

1) Sync
2) pocket
3) hello
4) everything else, other than the plug-in API itself, that isn’t a paper-thin shell around gecko
5) 301 redirect caching

To clear the 301 redirect cache for a single page, go to the “View” menu and light up the “History” sidebar (yeah, of course you forgot about that, nobody uses it), find the site you’re working on, right-click and select “forget about this site”.

Cloud, my shiny metal butt.

If you’re running the Chrome web browser, you can load a plug-in that will change any occurrences of “cloud” or “the cloud” to “butt” or “my butt” respectively, but only in proper context (it knows about weather sites, for example).

And if that’s not enough hilarity for you, you can load a different one that implements the text substitutions from Randall Munroe’s XKCD #1288. There’s also a Firefox version of the latter.

Bender Bending Rodriguez, bending unit #22