Normally, when you join a web forum, the proprietors will validate any email address you provide to them.
This is a pretty simple process; you just send an email to the address, containing a unique link to your web forum, and wait for someone to connect to it. When they do, you know that the person at that address is indeed someone who wants to participate in your forum. Code to do this is easily found on the web, you don’t have to write it yourself.
But apparently Facebook doesn’t bother with that sort of labor and time saving automation, they just let anybody use any old address, or something.
Yesterday, in the wee hours of the morning, someone using the name “Autumn Brooks” signed up for Facebook using my gmail address. In short order this fictitious person got 52 people to “friend” him. Only three people out of 55 smelled the obvious rat.
Now, I don’t know what this person’s game plan is or was. I mean, obviously, the intention was criminal, since my email was abused, but I don’t know how they expected to profit.
What I do know, from the Facebook-generated email that’s been POURING into my mailbox ever since (making it difficult for me to find and respond to real email in a timely fashion) is that “Autumn Brooks” was seeking out people in distress. Men struggling to raise kids alone, lonely for some adult female companionship. Teenage cutters looking for someone to talk to. Vulnerable people, people in emotional distress.
Yesterday afternoon I requested Facebook do something about this. I have yet to receive a response… maybe this is all business as usual in Facebook-land?