mood tiles

Remember mood rings? Check out thermochromic tiles.

Great blog posts on color perception

I was taught in school that when light of a certain frequency strikes your eyeball, you see it as a specific color. This is almost completely untrue.

Jason Cohen talks about the inadequacy of the color wheel.

Jason doesn’t mention it, but the part of your brain responsible for color vision is about the size of a lima bean. (You know these things if you read Oliver Sachs.)

Robert Kosara talks about how the practice of assigning R-O-Y-G-B-I-V values to map data misleads viewers.

Color is a cognitive effect, a subjective phenomenon of the mind, that is influenced by culture and language as well as by gross physical circumstances like lighting and surroundings. The influence goes both ways – not only is our vision mediated by our state of mind, but also vice-versa.