blackboard skillz

Blackboards are better than whiteboards. Even if they’re green blackboards.

relax and enjoy

Apparently it’s video week here at the blog.


Apparently invasive Asian silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) get stirred up by the sound of the motorboat accompanying the rowers.

It’s too bad the person recording the scene is so prone to thoughtless profanity, as that will limit the appeal of this video.

Stack Overflow 2015 survey is out

Their data analysis is very good, but the questions they ask always seem weird to me. Maybe it’s the job categorization they do – I have used “unnatural scientist”, “network janitor”, and “unreconstructed hacker” as my job description from time to time, but SO doesn’t have anything like those categories.

My job only occasionally requires soldering while levitating

GROUTED. Also Martin Hayes.

Yes, that’s right, the bathroom is grouted.

Also, we went and saw Martin Hayes and Dennis Cahill at the Queen last night, which was excellent. Four pints of stout and a superb Celtic session really helps you relax after a day rubbing the floor.
Something that’s really obvious live, and becomes noticeable about halfway through this video, is that a set of Irish brogues and a hardwood stage can be substituted for a bodhran.

viola organista

Polish concert pianist Slawomir Zubrzycki has built a beautiful version of Leonardo da Vinci’s viola organista.

It’s questionable whether this type of machine can accurately be called bowed since it uses rubbing wheels like a hurdy-gurdy. But it’s definitely not plucked, so it cannot be included in the excellent Atlas of Plucked Instruments.

The Atlas doesn’t currently include one-off variants like the Millenium Falcon guitars either.

Jimmy Wales was born with a tail.

Although the Wikipedia founder’s extra appendage was removed shortly before his first birthday, it was reputedly prehensile and covered with short silky fur. I know this is true because I read it on Wikipedia!

US Mononoke subtitles disappoint

The original 2000 Miramax/Disney [DVD] release […] included a nice English subtitle track based on the original Japanese dialogue (done by Stephen Albert and Haruyo Moriyoshi). Unfortunately, levitra uk This does involve surgery but it produces fast results. Misery has overshadowed many happy marriages as couples are opening up more, males are getting diagnosed with infertility at an alarming rate. sales here discount viagra Acai Capsules, preferably freeze dried, is the best form of buy levitra vardenafil Acai. Acai fruit contains so many other natural health-enhancing components that it is arguably one of the most free viagra in canada nutritious fruits in the world. that track is not on board this set. All the praise and accolades I can heap upon this new Blu-ray’s video and audio elements are completely undone simply because these English subtitles are a disaster.

follow the sun-wheel

A fine Imbolc, St. Brighid’s day, Candlemas, St. Mary’s feast, or Groundhog day, as you prefer! Midway between the solstice and the equinox, it’s as good a day as any to start looking for snowdrops and winter aconite.
The wonder of flowers, to be covered, and then to burst up“Snowdrops, snow, Winter Aconites and Silver Birch” photography by Reggie Thomson.

D-Link alien space routers

I haven’t been able to find any pricing information on the D-Link AC5300 5.33 Gbps wifi router which was demo’d at CES 2015.

I would point the antennae down like legs

The 3.2 Gbps AC3200 is supposed to retail at $310 which is pretty steep considering it only has four of the spiky antennae. You’ll need at least six if you’re going to turn them downward and pose this thing on a wall or bookshelf like a giant predaceous insect.

Early models of the AC3200 were apparently available in black

There aren’t any host adapters available yet that can do either of those speeds. D-link’s Death Star USB 3.0 adapter can do 1.3 Gbps, though, and it certainly fits in with the design theme.

That's no moon.

All this gadgetry is linux-based, which is a good thing since the Wave2 wireless protocols they use aren’t actually standards yet. They will no doubt need software updates as soon as Wave2 is finalized. D-Link is also selling linux-based home automation gizmos.


Robert Heinlein’s classic short story -All You Zombies- is being adapted into a movie titled Predestination, starring Ethan Hawke.

Reading the smart, tightly plotted, but sadly dated* Heinlein story before going to see the movie will unavoidably damage your enjoyment of the film. And don’t let anyone tell you what it’s about, either.

The only information that can’t ruin it for you is this: It’s about time travel. “Zombies” is a metaphor. There are no undead corpses in the story, and should be none in the film. Unless Peter Jackson is somehow involved, I suppose, in which case there will probably be attractive female zombies with hang gliders and large rubber feet.

* It was written in 1958, and Heinlein’s attitudes towards women were formed considerably earlier.

21st century wheel fiddle

I’ve always liked hurdy-gurdies… the bee-like buzzing of the rosin wheel, backdropping the melody like the drone of a bagpipe, appeals to me. But this ain’t yer great-grandpappy’s hurdy gurdy – about halfway through, the electronics hidden inside the beautiful woodwork become more than apparent. Performance by Guilhem Desq. As somebody on Reddit pointed out, if you’re too twitchy to listen to a 4-minute musical performance you shouldn’t bother with this.

2014 BECON awards

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Navy LaWS in the Persian Gulf

With sincere thanks to all 4000 of you that emailed to tell me about it.

Dubstep Version

More evidence for group selection!

OK, well maybe not then.

There is a Dad in this house.

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You’re welcome. Now get out of my yard!

Tell me I’m wrong

Ben Kingsley on the set of Prince of Persia

Sir Ben Kingsley, noted actor

Anton LaVey from the archives of the church of satan

Anton LaVey, supercilious satanist

Emperor Ming from the Flash Gordon original series


Fireworks from a drone

Thanks to Bhil for the link.

DIY Ground-based Ion Cannon

Hobbit’s netcat can be used to vomit forth network traffic as fast as your machine can generate it. We don’t need no steenkin’ LOIC!

Anyway, I needed to test a WAN pipe to see if Comcast was delivering the bandwidth we’re paying for – we’re supposed to have a 200 Mbps link to Boston.

[root@monster ~]# yes | nc -4 -u -v -v -n 9

The yes command just screams “yes!” incessantly, like a teenage boy’s dream girlfriend. We pipe the output to netcat, and force it to use UDP and IPv4 to send all the yes traffic to a host in Boston. UDP port 9 is the “discard” service, of course, so the machine at the other end just throws the traffic away. We already constantly monitor all the routing nodes in the path so we can see and graph what happens to the packets in real time.

Turns out the host can generate 80Mbps, sustainable indefinitely. That goes into the 200Mbps Comcast pipe… and only 4Mbps comes out the other end! Thanks, netcat! Time to call Comcast!

Don’t do this if you aren’t ready to deal with the repercussions of completely smashing your network. Saturating interfaces, routers and pipes will severely impact normal business routines, and should be saved as a last resort.

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