It looks more like sexism if anything

There’s people claiming that the high tech industry is essentially racist, because it’s got a lot of white people in it, especially in high positions. The way the census works makes it hard to compare, but this is what I fudged together for the entire USA’s racial and gender demographics from the 2010 census figures. It’s probably pretty close to correct.

• The USA: 64% white, 16% Hispanic, 12% black, 5% Asian, 3% two or more races, <1% other, slightly less than 51% female, slightly more than 49% male. Here's the numbers delivered by the high tech companies (as quoted in this interesting essay):

• Apple: 55% white, 15% Asian, 11% Hispanic, 7% black, 2% two or more, 1% other, 9% undeclared, 30% female, 70% male.

• Facebook: 57% white, 34% Asian, 4% Hispanic, 3% two or more races, 2% black, <1% other, 31% female, 69% male. In the previous years it was a common sight to see the exasperated faces of people waiting outside restaurants to get a medicine. cialis sample 20mg tadalafil Though, it is a beneficial drug but you need to repeat these steps to last longer in bed. The lack of interest, libido, low self-esteem, sense of uncertainty about an event, mastercard cialis online the impact of impotency. One can satisfy their partner for around 4 hours to 6 hours. levitra prescription online as the name suggest is the generic version of branded levitra.
• Google: 61% white, 30% Asian, 4% two or more races, 3% Hispanic, 2% black, <1% other, 30% female, 70% male. • Twitter: 59% white, 29% Asian, 3% Hispanic or Latino, 3% two or more races, 2% black, 2% other, 1% American Indian or Alaskan native, 1% native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, 30% female, 70% male. • Yahoo: 50% white, 39% Asian, 4% Hispanic, 2% black, 2% two or more races, 2% other/not disclosed, 37% female, 62% male, 1% other/not disclosed. Obviously the raw numbers don't tell a complete story, but they are interesting. Oh, and for those who haven't thought about it, the subcontinent of India is in Asia. AND for the record I have met very few people in my life who could be accurately described as "white" or "black" - most people I know are various shades of pink or brown, sometimes with a yellowish or bluish undertone in certain lighting, and quite often with contrasting spots.

No “right to water” in Detroit

U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Steven Rhodes on Monday refused to block the city from shutting off water to delinquent customers for six months, saying there is no right to free water and Detroit can’t afford to lose the revenue.

Ever since a bunch of well-meaning idiots who don’t understand basic math or science (otherwise known as the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights) declared that clean drinking water is a fundamental human right, activists have been trying to force people and organizations that provide access to safe drinking water to destroy themselves, apparently in the honest belief that inexhaustible supplies of safe water can be magically delivered to every single human being that might ever exist, free of cost, so it can’t matter if we wreck every existing system that actually provides water to people.

All these people have their hearts in the right place, I’m sure, but they have apparently misplaced their brains. The complex interweaving of ecosystems that makes up the terrestrial environment required to support the human race cannot sustain wholesale reallocation of water based on arbitrary human population densities; if a “right to water” actually existed, we’d eventually have to destroy huge swaths of riparian ecosystems in order to keep human desert-dwellers alive. Not to mention the collapse of every existing water allocation system – since they are all based on the idea that human beings will have to fight, work, or inherit wealth in order to obtain water.

The worst thing that could happen to these people (and everybody else) would be for them to succeed, condemning rich and poor alike to a global environmental catastrophe in the name of watering the poor.

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Duck and Cover

For some reason I always remember this as “Tommy the Turtle”. Good thing youtube has a copy to set me straight.

This is from 1951, but these kind of films were still being shown in the late 1960s and early 70s in Delaware elementary schools. In the first couple of grades, they had us crouch under the desks with our hands behind our heads for A-bomb drills, but later they started having us go into the hallways and huddle against the walls. Pretty much the same as California earthquake drills, only with deadly fallout expected afterwards.

Norway to pay Liberia for uncut trees

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Putting it on a computer doesn’t make it new.

This Ars Technica article is notable not only because it explains the Alice decision, but because it leads with a picture of a Wang System 2200 terminal. I taught myself BASIC on one of these around 1977 or so (before the Black Ships came and the secret of hose gartering that doesn’t ravel was lost).

Public Service Announcement

As I am currently driving down the East Coast of America and I’ve given up blogging while driving, I previously scheduled the automatic appearance of this reminder that Ann Coulter is a Troll. Thank you.

John Carney is bragging.

So what, you ask, is US Congressman John Carney, D-DE, bragging about?

Here, let him speak for himself:

Last week in Congress, a bill I introduced to save 500 Delaware jobs passed the House of Representatives by a vote of 268-150. The bill fixed an oversight in the Affordable Care Act that would have put American companies at a disadvantage to their foreign competitors, and put 500 Delaware jobs on the line. Senators Carper and Coons are now working hard to get the bill passed in the Senate.

That’s an interesting way to talk about what happened. Here’s another way.

Under the bill, any insurance plan for an American who is out of the country for 90 days or 15 trips or a foreigner working in the United States who is gone from his or her country for 90 days or 15 trips would be exempt from the Affordable Care Act. Their families would be exempt, too. That means they are exempt from all of it — from requiring young adults under age 26 to stay on a parents plans to the new mandatory coverage benefits. And the health plans wouldn’t have to pay ACA-related taxes and fees.

Labor and immigration groups, such as the AFL-CIO and the SEIU, oppose the bill, too. They say it would encourage companies to hire foreign workers instead of Americans, because they wouldn’t have to provide the same comprehensive coverage. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce supported the bill.

“This bill contains too many loopholes that amount to an extraordinary bailout for insurance companies,” Rep. Jim McDermott (D-Wash.) said on the House floor.

So why did Democrat John Carney spend three years subverting his own party’s efforts, against the expressed will of Democrat President Barack Obama? And why would he brag about this to me, a registered Republican?

Well, I guess money talks, and Cigna walks.

Health insurance giant Cigna Corp. is using the threat of 500 Delaware layoffs to press a demand that federal policymakers exempt their Claymont-based international insurance business from new rules in last year’s federal health care law.

The demand from Cigna, a $21.3 billion Philadelphia-based company, comes just months after Gov. Jack Markell’s administration awarded the company $2.4 million in grants to keep those employees in Delaware — and add to the staff here.

Markell, economic development director Alan Levin, and members of Delaware’s congressional delegation are now working on a fix for Cigna and other insurance companies who offer similar “expatriate” health insurance plans.

So lessee; first, Cigna took 2.4 million dollars of Delaware tax dollars in a deal to keep 500 jobs in Delaware, right, got it… then they threatened to dump those 500 jobs if our senators and congressman didn’t hack out an exemption in Obamacare so that migrant workers would not have to be insured (they are “expatriates” after all)… right, OK, I think I’ve got it. The goal is to use the tax money of people living in Delaware to make it uneconomical for businesses to actually hire those same people? So that more Delawareans will be out of work, in order to save jobs, of course. Then Delaware won’t be making as much tax revenue and the state might have to raise taxes to pay for Cigna’s next round of corporate welfare, oh, excuse me, “grants”? No, I guess I’m not really getting this at all.

It’s said that one shouldn’t assume malice where incompetence is a sufficient explanation. And after all, Jack Markell seems a nice enough man. But at this point the government of the First State has displayed such an incredible level of fiscal incompetence that it might be comforting to suppose they are a bunch of crooks – rather than the chuckle-headed corporate dupes they appear to be. Did I mention Cigna’s making record profits and also refusing record numbers of insurance claims? It’s a good thing they’ve got John Carney, Chris Coons, Tom Carper and Jack Markell looking out for their interests, I guess.

Edwardus primus scottorum malleus

Nice write up of Edward I and his successors, at an interesting site called History Notes.

3 states now blocking Tesla sales

New Jersey has joined Arizona and Texas in banning direct sales of Tesla electric vehicles to the public.

Chris Christie, that fearless champion of free enterprise and democracy, used his personal control of the state’s Motor Vehicle Commission to end-run the representative branch of New Jersey’s government, who might have raised some sort of ethical objections to what Christie called “the cold, hard hand of government determining winners and losers.”

Tesla will presumably have to shut down its two dealerships in New Jersey, which were giving well-heeled NJ residents a way they could personally and individually choose to reduce the tailpipe-emission pollution problem that sends 53,000 Americans to an early grave every year.

Is the inevitable apotheosis of the Reagan “Revolution”? Parasitic middle-men and Ayn Rand worshipping dirty energy producers using their control over the machines of government to prevent individuals from taking effective action on the behalf of their neighbors and descendants? These people believe that any action that is not motivated by greed should be forbidden, and it seems that they have the power to make it so.

Fukushima still not under control

Three years ago Japan’s Fukushima nuclear fission reactor complex was damaged by a tsunami.

At no time, between then and today, has the ongoing ecological catastrophe at the Fukushima site ever been under control. The operator, TEPCO, has occasionally claimed otherwise, but each time subsequent events have proven TEPCO wrong.

Today, and every day of the last three years, powerful and long lasting poisons have been leaking into the soil, water and air we humans share with every other living thing on this planet.

Something many people don’t realize is that nuclear fission reactors are not commercially viable without the sponsorship of governments. This is a simple and incontrovertible fact – no fission reactor has ever turned a profit except through the redirection of tax dollars. Not ever! Furthermore, safe operation of nuclear fission reactors is incompatible with Western commercial values – our socio-economic system is designed to ensure the lowest cost by pitting separate businesses against each other, each cutting corners until a failure occurs, so that the business that runs “leanest” survives to dominate the market and those that cut too far go bankrupt. Unfortunately, the failures that come from cutting corners in nuclear fission plant operation last for generations, and never stop incurring costs during that time. The total costs for remediating a single Chernobyl or Fukushima far outstrip any profits that could have been made by a dozen tax-sponsored “successful” plants.

Perhaps overtly socialist countries like France and Sweden, with their completely different systems of regulation and operation, can have safe nuclear fission. I tend to doubt it; at the timescale these reactions occur, human perfidy is a given. But maybe it can be done, and I admire those countries’ attempts to do it right.

Here in the USA, as in Japan, nuclear fission is an obsolete and foolish technology, incompatible with our needs and vision.

Is the Sustainable Forestry Initiative for real?

The Forest Ethics website says SFI is a greenwashing scam.

Upcoming MO guns study…

The beeb’s article Missouri gun murders ‘rose after law repeal’ says that an upcoming (but currently unavailable) study from the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research “provides some of the most compelling evidence yet for tighter gun controls in the US.”

Apparently it does so by linking the removal of a legal requirement for background checks prior to handgun purchase with a rise in gun homicides. That correlation seems pretty likely, I think; if you intend to kill someone, and you can easily get a gun, why would you use anything else? It’s so obvious as to be almost a tautology.

But I will be interested in seeing how this plays out, since the FBI says that homicides overall went down in Missouri during the same period the study claims that gun homicides went up. This has been the national trend; homicides mostly decreasing as gun ownership has trended steadily upwards.

It seems to me that anti-gun crusaders don’t really argue any more honestly than the NRA’s anti-Obama basket cases.

Ask the Pope, because the Church has such a great record (not).

Today 30,000 Roman Catholics gathered in St. Peter’s square in Rome to ask a kindly old celibate how he thinks people should manage their marriages.

I find myself remembering Catholic impotency trials of pre-revolutionary France and medieval England, where husbands were sometimes required to demonstrate virility in front of a jury composed of priests (and possibly the mother-in-law), and have their performances described in public record. The Church’s politically based meddling in marriage (their opposition to divorce has no basis in scripture) and system of ecclesiastic courts has wrought many a tragedy.

To give him credit, Pope Francis seemed to be doing his best to keep the conversation from getting too specific. You have to hope he sees the ridiculousness of it all.

Joseph Priestley

Joseph Priestly died 210 years ago today on February 6th, 1804. Mostly remembered today as the discoverer of oxygen, Priestley in his own day was a noted scientist, educator, political theorist, natural philosopher, dissenting clergyman and Christian apologist. Thomas Jefferson, who was active in the same fields, credited his own conversion to Unitarianism to Priestley’s 1782 book “History of the Corruptions of Christianity”.

Priestley’s scientific and philosophical career is replete with triumph and tragedy; brilliant discoveries and a stubborn refusal to give up mistaken ideas. He was derided as “the last defender of phlogiston” and burned out of his Birmingham house for denying “the divine right of kings” in the so-called Priestley Riots. Priestley made his inventions available to the public and received no money for any of them; the local Unitarian Universalist Church district is named in his honor.

Obama administration speaks volumes on Zero Tolerance

U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan and Attorney General Eric Holder have released many, many megabytes of recommendations and guidelines for improving school disciplinary systems. They recommend that schools use policies based on evidence and aligned with a goal of education, instead of the current policies, which are based on post-Columbine hysteria and a goal of maximizing punishment.

The “zero tolerance” nightmare has always been highly discriminatory towards the poor. The more money you have, the more effectively you can protect your children from the anti-educational cruelty that is the basis of modern US school discipline. When you combine this with the disproportionate number of people of color at lower income levels, and recognize similar inequities in the criminal justice system, the reason the school-to-prison pipeline principally victimizes non-white students is clear. The fact that rich people (who are mostly white) can dodge the absurdly extreme consequences of typical childish behaviors better than poor people (who mostly aren’t white) means that zero-tolerance policies, intended to be equally sadistic and harmful towards all children, are in practice part of a legacy of racism and color-line discrimination anywhere there is a significant non-white population. I’m going to be politically incorrect and say it’s nice to see people coming together to fight these horrible policies, though, and not merely their racist application and effects. Zero tolerance has to go now; the fifteen years we’ve had it have already sown an ill harvest – that we’ll reap for decades, if not centuries – and it’s going to hurt people of every race and color.

Effective discipline is, and always will be, a necessity. But a routine school discipline infraction should land a student in a principal’s office – not in a police precinct. — Eric Holder, 2014-01-08

Turing pardoned

Alan Turing was a brilliant British code-breaker in World War II and probably responsible for saving (at least) thousands of lives. He and his colleagues made a huge contribution to the eventual defeat of the Axis powers, and to modern computer science and cryptography. But because Turing was a homosexual, the British Government rewarded this service with vicious persecution – including so-called “chemical castration” – that eventually drove him to suicide.

Human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell has said: “I pay tribute to the government for ensuring Alan Turing has a royal pardon at last but I do think it’s very wrong that other men convicted of exactly the same offence are not even being given an apology, let alone a royal pardon.”

Crytpo Geeks and Hackers as Guardians of Internet Freedom

Socialist website Counterfire’s Marienna Pope-Weidemann assesses the ‘transnational surveillance state’ and ‘cypherpunks’ as self-appointed whistleblowers.

Jacob recounts the numerous occasions he has been detained by the FBI and immigration officials, usually in countries with lax judicial rights. He has had equipment confiscated and been denied access to both lawyers and bathrooms while being interrogated on his position on the Iraq War, and given explanations for this treatment such as: ‘you work on Tor’ and ‘you were sitting next to Julian, what do you expect?’

It’s a long read, but very informative. Worth the investment if you care about the way pervasive high speed global communication is reshaping our world.

Fighting “Doubt Science”

In 2010 Dr. Laura Welch wrote an exhaustively researched and documented amicus brief to the Michigan Supreme Court titled “Asbestos Exposure Causes Mesothelioma, But Not This Asbestos Exposure” exposing the practice of “doubt science”. The brief was signed by 51 other notable physicians and medical researchers.

…the vast amount of additional scientific information regarding asbestos and mesothelioma, provides more than sufficient evidence to allow someone to conclude within a reasonable degree of scientific certainty that a mesothelioma in a mechanic who worked with asbestos-containing brakes was caused by that asbestos exposure. Since 2000, Ford, General Motors, and Chrysler have paid over $30,000,000 to hire consultants for the purpose of generating the very papers they rely upon, and for testifying regarding those papers in Courts.

One of the main industry experts has acknowledged that the papers were conceived and authored for the purpose of buttressing testimony in court cases involving mechanics suffering from mesothelioma.

The same expert also acknowledged that this business model is a pattern he has also followed with dioxin, benzene, hexavalent chromium, beryllium, formaldehyde, and glycol ethers. Recent revelations regarding undisclosed involvement of the employer of these experts in connection with publication of a paper favorable to the chromium industry have been well publicized and led to the retraction of that paper.

It is in no way surprising that the experts and papers financed by these manufacturers conclude that asbestos in brakes can never cause mesothelioma. To the contrary, the exoneration of the sponsoring industry is the expected conclusion of doubt science.

Robert Kehoe, Charles Kettering and Thomas Midgley created doubt science so that General Motors and DuPont could knowingly poison the world with tetra ethyl lead. Over the years the Merchants of Doubt have become an accepted part of the American dialogue, and doubt science is used in courtrooms, newspapers and bar-rooms to justify and applaud all sorts of vicious, completely avoidable crimes against humanity knowingly committed by the wealthy corporations that own our political leadership in order to marginally increase their profits.

Go go go NAACP of Delaware!

Yesterday the Delaware NAACP’s Jea Street wrote an excellent, fire-breathing letter to Governor Jack Markell and Secretary of Education Mark Murphy, defending the Reach Academy and blasting the ongoing re-segregation of Delaware’s schools.

Delaware’s system is currently set up to provide blatantly unequal public education, segregated purely by wealth. And it’s not the good kind of unequal, which would consist of putting more resources where they can accomplish more, but instead Delaware’s Choice, Charter and Neighborhood Schools laws intentionally exaggerate pre-existing inequalities. The state is not using our tax dollars to break the cycle of poverty, but rather to provide marginally better facilities and instruction to the children of people who are relatively well off (and who in many cases quite frankly could afford private schools). Delaware’s infamous “zero tolerance in schools” policies also preferentially victimize the children of the poor.

Street and the NAACP have become involved because the majority of the poor in Delaware are people of color, and thus statistically speaking the system is rigged primarily against them, and because the Reach Academy primarily serves African-American children. Go get ’em Councilman Street!

Beware the Bloat

Last week Heather sent me a link to Alex Marchant’s graph comparing lines of code in the site with other popular software and sites. Go see it, it’s a hoot.

Reagan famously said government can’t do anything right, and everyone elected since then seems determined to prove it. There’s something quintessentially American about purposely electing people who say the job can’t be done… no, wait. Not “quintessentially”… that other word… quixotically? Something like that. Tea partiers take note.

Anyway, when I tell anyone involved professionally with computer science that the Obama administration entrusted the building of the Health Care Exchange website to a raft of consultants, and the budget ran to more than $88 million (how much more, nobody seems to quite know!) none of them are at all surprised that the system doesn’t work and is laughably poorly constructed. Of course it won’t work if you don’t hire real experts into full-time, permanent positions to build and support it.

Currently it appears that we’re going to blame Canada for this debacle. And you do have to wonder what brilliant management consultant (I have heard the name Booz Allen whispered, but not confirmed) decided to hire CGI, who also failed to build a working healthcare system for Ontario, Canada last year. I mean, Canada’s single-payor! If a consultancy can’t handle a simple, already working system like Canada’s, how are they going to manage implementing the Heritage-foundation designed Affordable Care Act?