Grace & Tony at Grain on Main

Grain’s got good food and beer, but you can’t expect good acoustics from a tiny stage crammed into a corner of a noisy bar.

Domo Arigato, Mr. Roboto

Humans as explicit elements of a machine; note the electrical connections to the participants forearms.

3M Rube Goldberg

Or Heath Robinson, if you’re British.

David Byrne on music and architecture

Who’s that knocking at my door?

I’ll kiss your cheeks and black your eyes!

your boots and poses, go down

GROUTED. Also Martin Hayes.

Yes, that’s right, the bathroom is grouted.

Also, we went and saw Martin Hayes and Dennis Cahill at the Queen last night, which was excellent. Four pints of stout and a superb Celtic session really helps you relax after a day rubbing the floor.
Something that’s really obvious live, and becomes noticeable about halfway through this video, is that a set of Irish brogues and a hardwood stage can be substituted for a bodhran.

viola organista

Polish concert pianist Slawomir Zubrzycki has built a beautiful version of Leonardo da Vinci’s viola organista.

It’s questionable whether this type of machine can accurately be called bowed since it uses rubbing wheels like a hurdy-gurdy. But it’s definitely not plucked, so it cannot be included in the excellent Atlas of Plucked Instruments.

The Atlas doesn’t currently include one-off variants like the Millenium Falcon guitars either.

21st century wheel fiddle

I’ve always liked hurdy-gurdies… the bee-like buzzing of the rosin wheel, backdropping the melody like the drone of a bagpipe, appeals to me. But this ain’t yer great-grandpappy’s hurdy gurdy – about halfway through, the electronics hidden inside the beautiful woodwork become more than apparent. Performance by Guilhem Desq. As somebody on Reddit pointed out, if you’re too twitchy to listen to a 4-minute musical performance you shouldn’t bother with this.

Martin Hayes fiddling about

This is what it’s all about. The “Sasanaigh nua darbh ainm Éireannaigh” (new English named the Irish) can keep their nakedly opportunistic IFSC, their race to the bottom low corporation taxes while the divide between rich and poor grows bigger each year, their “too cool to be Irish” Anglo-American mid-Atlantic affected accents, their embrace of the unquestioned dogma of free market capitalism, their incessant promotion of consumerism, their obsession with commercialised sport, commercialised music, commercialised everything, their rejection of the Irish tradition and its replacement with tv-led English sports where in Ireland a few green jerseys is enough to redesignate is as the new “Irish sport”. This great delusional rejection of Irishness by the modern “Irish” will be seen for what it is in generations to come. Is daoine stoite iad anois, gan ceangal eatarthu agus le glúnta anuas, leis an traidisiún Éireannach. Without Irish culture, a sovereign Ireland has nothing to differentiate itself from its conquerer. It has no point. (from a youtube comment signed “Eoghan Rua Ó Néill”)

Dubstep Version

Mini-ITX with amped 7.1 audio outs

This looks interesting. As seen in Stephenson’s Addison build.

Inside the Instruments

German studio photographers Mierswa & Kluska shot these beautifully lit images from the inside of musical instruments for Bjoern Ewers and Mona Sibai as part of an advertising campaign for the chamber ensemble of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra in 2009.

Pipe Organ

Best Throatsinging Demo Ever

I’ve never heard such an accessible, western demonstration of the basic concept. Ms. Hefele doesn’t bother with It has been the major factor of its popularity. cipla tadalafil You should buy Kamagra cialis generico in india at the cheapest prices. Though Rogaine Foam normally does not deter the underlying cause will levitra uk suffice the condition. Lifting Equipment Distributors As the demand for lifting works are increasing rapidly, the supply of lifting equipment 100mg viagra in Saudi Arabia. that anyway” target=”_blank”>traditional nomenclature or styles, she just shows you what she can do. Thanks to Rob Beschizza for the link!

Happy Birthday to Heather and Sun Ra

If that’s a little too avant-garde for you, try this one!

Yakkity Sax Black Satans

So what’s wrong with a parody of black metal done by a parody black metal band? Well, obviously, the MUSIC. Assuming you agree it’s even music at all.

This video fixes that one remaining problem.

I may have posted this before, but I don’t care.

triple threat

Have some π

HiFiBerry, tiny add-on boards bringing high quality sound to the Raspberry Pi

piCorePlayer, a dedicated Squeezebox player (like a Logitech Duet) for Raspberry Pi

RasPiO, a family of add-on I/O boards for the Raspberry Pi

HDMIPi, an affordable 9″ high definition screen for the Raspberry Pi

Homebrew wall-mounted Raspberry Pi powered touchscreen Squeezeplayer

Arrrgh, matey.

Put John Huff’s version of “High Barbaree” on and read about 17th Century Irish Pirates.

Mongolian Music Television

I’ve been a fan of Huun-Huur-tu for a long time, but was unfamiliar with this group

voyage de nuit

Nuala Kennedy teams up with Phillipe Guidat and several other extremely eclectic bandsmen to create a flamenco guitar + scottish flute mashup that sounds exactly like what you’d expect, in retrospect, yet nothing like what I actually expected.

If you can stand the myspace music player you can listen here.

If they cut a CD I’m buying it!