Gŵyl Fair y Canhwyllau

Legavrik wanes and there’s no need of candles to put the cattle to bed.

A fine Imbolc, St. Brighid’s day, Candlemas, St. Mary’s feast, or Groundhog day, as you prefer!

Medieval painted ceilings

There’s actually an international organization, based in France, that studies them.

The site’s all in French, but there are lots of enjoyable and interesting photos if you click around their archives.

British Museum Iron Age virtual exhibit

Heather writes:

One of my web design e-newsletters had a link to the indoors Google Street View of the British Museum. So I wandered around a bit and found this… Celtic Life in Iron Age Britain: A British Museum exhibition of Iron Age objects from collections across the UK.

Medieval Cats

Medievalists.net has an article titled Why Cats were Hated in Medieval Europe that I liked. It references Irina Metzler’s article Heretical Cats: Animal Symbolism in Religious Discourse which seems to be only available in German, and Joyce Salisbury’s The Beast Within: Animals in the Middle Ages which is available in English as an ebook.

15th century manuscript from Dubrovnik, Croatia

Medievalisterrant chimes in with a post on Cats as pets in the Middle Ages.

Happy St. Brice’s Day

November 13th, 1002 Æþelræd Unræd ordered the slaughter of all the Danes in England. Although at that point Aethelraed could only really enforce his will in about a third of his domain, this ill-advised plan did manage to cause the death of Harald Bluetooth’s daughter Gunhilde, and in some histories the St. Brice’s Day Massacre leads directly to the conquest of England by the Danish King Sweyn Forkbeard (Gunhilde’s brother) and Sweyn’s son Knut the Great.

Cryptic sword

British Library museum shelfmark 1858,1116.5

13th century double-edged European knightly sword, 2lb 10oz (1.2kg), 38″ (964mm) long and 6½” (165mm) across the quillons. Found in the river Witham, Lincolnshire, in July 1825, and presented to the Royal Archaeological Institute by the registrar to the Bishop of Lincoln. The blade was broken near the tip and mended “in modern times” according to the British Library website.

Said to bear an indecipherable inscription “+NDXOXCHWDRCHWDRCHDXORUN” inlaid in gold wire on one side, but to me it looks more like “+NDXOXCHWDRCHWDRCHDXORVI+”.

Chained libraries

Bruce Schneier‘s crypto-gram linked this, which in turn links some great images of medieval chained libraries.

Hereford chained library, courtesy MedievalFragments blog

Hundred Years War

There’s a timeline of the Hundred Years War being built on the web here. It’s already 27 pages long.

Medieval Combat World Championship

Reuters has a slideshow of the 2014 Medieval Combat World Championship here.

More Lars Andersen

Ha! Take that, Mythbusters.


medieval news roundup

It’s a bit more javascript than necessary, but Medieval News delivers as promised.

A Ticke, a Tacke, and a Toe

It seems a good day to consider the medieval origins of popular games.

follow the sun-wheel

A fine Imbolc, St. Brighid’s day, Candlemas, St. Mary’s feast, or Groundhog day, as you prefer! Midway between the solstice and the equinox, it’s as good a day as any to start looking for snowdrops and winter aconite.
The wonder of flowers, to be covered, and then to burst up“Snowdrops, snow, Winter Aconites and Silver Birch” photography by Reggie Thomson.

a proper feast

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ode to a white cat

Pangur Bán was written in the margins of a copy of St. Paul’s epistle by an eighth century Irish monk.

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21st century wheel fiddle

I’ve always liked hurdy-gurdies… the bee-like buzzing of the rosin wheel, backdropping the melody like the drone of a bagpipe, appeals to me. But this ain’t yer great-grandpappy’s hurdy gurdy – about halfway through, the electronics hidden inside the beautiful woodwork become more than apparent. Performance by Guilhem Desq. As somebody on Reddit pointed out, if you’re too twitchy to listen to a 4-minute musical performance you shouldn’t bother with this.

Medieval Wool Tunic

Researchers at the University of Oslo are going to re-create an iron age diamond twill wool tunic, starting with the correct breed of sheep. The reproductions will be displayed at the University’s Museum of Cultural History and the Norsk Fjellmuseum in Lom.

There have been plenty of reconstructions of linen tunics. This particular wool tunic is the oldest complete article of clothing found in Norway, part of the Lendbreen series of finds revealed by retreating glaciers.

The White Tower

The header today is a panoramic view of the Tower of London, taken by #1 son. This is only part of that panorama – the whole thing can’t really be made to fit WordPress’s header aspect.

When I was younger I had a mental image of the Tower as something resembling a chess rook, with the heads of traitors on spikes over the portcullis and shivering naked miscreants suspended in cages from the walls.

Even though I’ve known for decades that my vision of William the Conqueror’s citadel was totally wrong (well, except the heads and cages part) I was unprepared for the sheer size and magnificence of this fortress. I wish we’d had more time to explore, and I hope we can go back some day.

Historical European Martial Arts Wiki

Wiktenauer is an ongoing collaboration among researchers and practitioners from across the Western martial arts community, seeking to collect all of the primary and secondary source literature that makes up the text of historical European martial arts research and to organize and present it in a scholarly but accessible format.

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