Reuters has a slideshow of the 2014 here.
Medieval Combat World ChampionshipCategory Archives: games
A Ticke, a Tacke, and a Toe
It seems a good day to consider medieval origins of popular games.
theSatNOGS wins Hackaday prize
Coverage here. Very impressive, but personally I was even more impressed by the DIY spectrometer.
Murder by Cop
Want to see the cops murder somebody in cold blood? Well, if you’re a bigot who works at Walmart, wait for a young black man to pick up a BB gun and dial 9-1-1.
you can justSid Meier beyond Alpha Centauri
We are at PAX East, and I believe I am the oldest person in the building.
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Regex Crossword Puzzles
Apparently regular expression crossword puzzles are a thing.
This one looks fun.
Lacrosse and the ancient Norse game of knattleikr
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Hurstwic/SCA rules for knattleikr here.