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Just as the risk of getting illnesses related toCategory Archives: art
300 bottle rockets
From Colin Furze (previously linked pulse jets).
for his
Who’s that knocking at my door?
I’ll kiss your cheeks and black your eyes!
Fearlessness is not Bravery
Bravery lies in conquering fear. Fearlessness is a disability, although it’s one you can often leverage to good effect. Total fearlessness is indistinguishable from utter stupidity.
“A lot of people think Mohawks aren’t afraid of heights; that’s not true. We have as much fear as the next guy. The difference is that we deal with it better. We also have the experience of the old timers to follow and the responsibility to lead the younger guys. There’s pride in ‘walking iron.’” —Kyle Karonhiaktatie Beauvais (Mohawk, Kahnawake)
Luke Wroblewski: Obvious always wins
Real data proving that UI design for function beats UI design for aesthetics. Well, for web and app designer aesthetics, anyway, which are trend-based and emotional rather than useful.
Happy Birthday Hubble ST
The Hubble Space Telescope is 25
years old today. Congratulations, Dennis!
blackboard skillz
Blackboards are better than whiteboards.
Even if they’re green blackboards.
GROUTED. Also Martin Hayes.
Yes, that’s right, the bathroom is grouted.
Also, we went and saw Martin Hayes and Dennis Cahill at the Queen last night, which was excellent. Four pints of stout and a superb Celtic session really helps you relax after a day rubbing the floor.
Something that’s really obvious live, and becomes noticeable about halfway through this video, is that a set of Irish brogues and a hardwood stage can be substituted for a bodhran.
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Orwell meets Disney
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Susannah Breslin is taking over Jason Kottke’s web site for a while. Although admittedly her work can be a bit dark at times, and I’m pretty sure my Dad wouldn’t care for it, I love Susannah Breslin! She’s a brilliant writer and she’s thoroughly mastered the art of blog.
Weirdest comment spam so far
Entire text of a comment spam that showed up on Typing Animal last year:
I make them have dirty sex with each other and THEN i bite off their limbs and they have dirty dirty amputee gummy bear sex. And then i bite off their heads and they have fihtly disgusting zombie gummy bear sex. And then I eat them and growl and make yummy noises while I chew. So, I’d say that the above wife-saying is not strange or dirty at all.
The text was originally linked to a facebook page that has since been shut down for hosting malware.
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viola organista
Polish concert pianist Slawomir Zubrzycki has built a beautiful version of Leonardo da Vinci’s viola organista.
It’s questionable whether this type of machine can accurately be called bowed since it uses rubbing wheels like a hurdy-gurdy. But it’s definitely not plucked, so it cannot be included in the excellent Atlas of Plucked Instruments.
The Atlas doesn’t currently include one-off variants like the Millenium Falcon guitars either.
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The original 2000 Miramax/Disney [DVD] release […] included a nice English subtitle track based on the original Japanese dialogue (done by Stephen Albert and Haruyo Moriyoshi). Unfortunately, levitra uk This does involve surgery but it produces fast results. Misery has overshadowed many happy marriages as couples are opening up more, males are getting diagnosed with infertility at an alarming rate. sales here discount viagra Acai Capsules, preferably freeze dried, is the best form of buy levitra vardenafil Acai. Acai fruit contains so many other natural health-enhancing components that it is arguably one of the most free viagra in canada nutritious fruits in the world. that track is not on board this set. All the praise and accolades I can heap upon this new Blu-ray’s video and audio elements are completely undone simply because these English subtitles are a disaster.
guerilla public service
Heather sent me this link about Richard Ankrom’s home-made freeway sign.
looking from the top down
Wonderful web site the Daily Overview.
it’s also a tumblr, whatever that is.
Cody Vrosh coffee art
Cody Vrosh makes watercolors that incorporate rings and spatters from the coffee he’s drinking while he paints. I like the results. He has prints for sale in his Etsy shop, and a book is available from Binary Winters.