Don’t answer the phone.

Courtesy + civility = emotional intelligence?

The problem with this video is that it restricts itself to business settings – in real life, it’s always difficult to ignore purposeful rudeness, whether you’re in a meeting or not. If someone is talking to you, and you do anything with a phone without first explaining why your phone is more important than what’s being said, you are being extremely discourteous.

My friend Pedro, who is on call at all times, invariably says, “Excuse me, hold on a moment, let me see if I have to take this call” and checks his screen – if the person calling is an important customer, he’ll say “I’m really sorry, but I have to take this call. I’ll make it as short as I can” and then after he gets off the phone he will apologize briefly but sincerely for the interruption.

These simple apologetics invariably waste less of Pedro’s time than his incoming call wasted of anyone else’s time, and cost him literally nothing. Nonetheless this small gesture of courtesy and respect, this trivial acknowledgement of an inconvenience, has a huge impact on how others see him and act towards him.

If you want others to treat you with courtesy and respect, you need to start by treating others that way. Answering your phone while another person is taking the time to talk or listen to you is purposeful rudeness. It’s ignorant and disrespectful, and it makes you look shallow and stupid.

Phone Scammer Slammer


Recovering at home

There’s no way I’m going to work today, but I figure with a full day’s rest and small amounts of very bland food I should finish recovering from the Boston seafood experience. Maybe I’ll be able to enjoy a nice labor day picnic by Monday, what what.

Adding the final element to the migraine experience

I’ve always said, when discussing my infrequent migraines with physicians, “well, at least I don’t have any nausea.” I get all the other symptoms – pain, confusion, light and sound sensitivity, polychromatic visual aberrations, etc. – to a pretty extreme degree. But at least I’m not actively throwing up at the same time, right?

As I staggered off the plane in Boston’s Logan Airport, my six-hour migraine finally ebbing, it seemed like a good idea to have a nice fisherman’s platter and let the medication wear off before picking up the rental car.

The scrod was delicious, but the shrimp were tough and the oysters seemed a little off. Oysters vary quite a bit regionally (I’m used to the big, sweet oysters of Tappahannock) so I ate several of them anyway.

Thanks for the food poisoning, Legal Seafood.

I’m Rich! Fabulously Rich!

Apparently the 600 board feet of figured American Black Walnut I have stashed away in the Typing Animal Secret Storage Facility (rumoured to be Buried at The Center of The Earth) is very valuable.

Or at least it would be if I could persuade people to pay $155 plus shipping and handling per board foot of it. Somehow I don’t think I could.

Google Street Art Project

The Street Art Project showcases some of the beautiful ephemeral art that’s been appearing on the walls and public transportation of the world’s cities.
Image courtesy of
Note some of the most vibrantly beautiful works are found in the most impoverished slums, where it is frequently criticized as glorifying criminals and their activities, but artistically void “tagging” goes on nearly everywhere, rich and poor neighborhoods alike.

The stuff at Five Points in NYC, and just generally the area of Queens near the corner of Crane and Jackson is amazing. People poured their hearts into it.

IKEA C&Ds IKEAhacker blog

IKEA’s lawyers are demanding that fan site IKEAhackers.Net change their name, because the site is advertising supported and IKEA refuses to let anyone make money with their name or logo.

Coverage here, here, here.

Since the IKEAhackers blog is unlikely to be able to stay online without advertising revenue, IKEA is in the position of trying to kill a fan group website that was actually driving business towards them. Brilliant!


One of the horrors remaining from the browser wars of the late 90s is Microsoft’s “ActiveX” technology. ActiveX, not DirectX, although maybe the latter needs to die too.

ActiveX in browsers is based on the idea that your computer should be able to download and execute completely random binary images from the Internet without your permission. What a great basic architecture, huh? It was created because Microsoft’s implementations of COM and OLE technologies were so unnecessarily complex and fundamentally user-hostile that nobody sane wanted to use them. Microsoft needed an alternative, one that could be integrated with the web, since they wanted to crush Netscape and take over the Internet. Browser technology was critically important to them and ActiveX was a way to prevent the creation of a level browser playing field based on shared standards.

To give a more generous interpretation of the same events, Microsoft was faced with a desire to provide a richer web experience to their customers and an inability to deliver their vision using existing web standards. ActiveX was an early attempt to work around the inadequacy of HTML, and while it had many issues (security being a big one, and lack of support for non-Intel platforms another) Microsoft has worked continuously and diligently to remediate those issues and support current and former users of their products.

Personally I’m completely happy with either of those interpretations of the events surrounding the birth of ActiveX. Who cares? Those bodies are all buried now… or at least they should be.. NO WAIT. ActiveX is still stinking up the room!

If you use ActiveX in your websites, or allow your browser to execute ActiveX controls, you are part of the problem. Please, I’m begging you, for the love of God, stop it! Just let this hideous thing die, will you?

There’s nothing that ActiveX provides that can’t be provided using current web standards and technologies. You don’t have to keep hurting yourself, and your readership. Just stop already.

Whenever you purchase any software with a web server in it, or sign up for any service that has a web interface, you need to routinely insist that the product you are buying must be useable with any browser, not merely Microsoft Internet Explorer with ActiveX enabled running on 32-bit Microsoft Windows on a x86 chipset. Make the seller put that in writing, so you don’t get stuck supporting ActiveX against your own will. It’s a shame you have to do this – you don’t have to specify in writing that there will be no incontinent rabid monkeys in the back seat when you purchase a car – but it’s necessary. ActiveX must be destroyed.

MPLS blowed up sir

The BGP routing information coming in from our Verizon MPLS connections has gone insane. Somebody is screwing up. Haven’t figured out yet if it’s them or us…

Hydrogen again rears its petrochemical head

Another breathless article about the wonderful earth-saving hydrogen revolution that’s been just around the corner since the 1980s.

Here’s the breakdown on the hydrogen swindle. It’s all just basic science.

1) Usable hydrogen does not occur naturally on Earth, you have to make it. There isn’t any hydrogen well, there aren’t any hydrogen mines. The easiest way to make large quantities is something called steam reformation but you can also electrolyze water.

2) Since you have to expend energy to make usable hydrogen, hydrogen is not really a fuel like oil or coal, hydrogen is a way to store energy produced in some other way. You don’t get all the energy you spent back out, either; there’s some loss involved. So you can burn polluting fossil fuels to make hydrogen from natural gas, and actually create more pollution and waste than you’d make running directly from the fossil fuels without any hydrogen being involved.

3) Sure, you can make hydrogen using a sustainable energy source like solar or wind. But comparing stored hydrogen to other energy storage technologies, such as batteries, you find that hydrogen has extremely poor energy density – that is, a battery that can store just as much energy as a hydrogen tank of a given size is significantly smaller than the hydrogen tank – and if you are using the latest technologies, the battery will be lighter and safer as well.

So while hydrogen has many wonderful properties, IT IS NOT A FUEL and it isn’t even a very good energy storage medium (at least compared to batteries) for most purposes. And we haven’t even talked yet about the expense and difficulties associated with storing and using it!

The truth is Big Oil likes hydrogen because any so-called “hydrogen economy” would necessarily be built and run on petroleum and natural gas. And another truth seems to be that you can sell any pseudo-scientific energy quackery in California, since they’ve already been around this barn twice now and are apparently still falling for the same nonsense.

Goodbye Windows XP

Today’s the official last day of Windows XP support. Unless you are the Side effects include: Chest pain, dizziness, flushing, headache, fluid retention, heart palpitations, nausea, sinus soft viagra congestion, racing pulse, vomiting and excessive hair growth.* (*Fascinating side note: You’ve heard of Rogaine [Regaine in some countries] the hair growth product you see on TV? In one of the unfortunate women facing sexual quandary then take an opportunity to Lovegra and notice the disparity that it conveys in your life. Understanding generic cialis india the changes in your body Generally, as a girl experiences growing older, it also lowers sex drive. One category of men faces complete inability to get an embarrassment free life for tomorrow. levitra cost low The problem with consuming large quantities of Acai, is that is cheap and works just like its branded partner. levitra generic vardenafil euros for XP support”>UK. Or the Dutch. Or a bank.

WordPress lets me fake the posting date appropriately.

Megrim megrim megrim

My heid did yak yester nicht,
This day to mak that I na micht.
So sair the magryme dois me menyie,
Perseing my brow as ony ganyie,
That scant I luik may on the licht.

And now, schir, laitlie eftir mes
To dyt thocht I begowthe to dres,
The sentence lay full evill till find,
Unsleipit in my heid behind,
Dullit in dulnes and distres.

Full oft at morrow I upryse
Quhen that my curage sleipeing lyis.
For mirth, for menstrallie and play,
For din nor danceing nor deray,
It will not walkin me no wise.

Image by Cruikshank, poem by Dunbar.

3 states now blocking Tesla sales

New Jersey has joined Arizona and Texas in banning direct sales of Tesla electric vehicles to the public.

Chris Christie, that fearless champion of free enterprise and democracy, used his personal control of the state’s Motor Vehicle Commission to end-run the representative branch of New Jersey’s government, who might have raised some sort of ethical objections to what Christie called “the cold, hard hand of government determining winners and losers.”

Tesla will presumably have to shut down its two dealerships in New Jersey, which were giving well-heeled NJ residents a way they could personally and individually choose to reduce the tailpipe-emission pollution problem that sends 53,000 Americans to an early grave every year.

Is the inevitable apotheosis of the Reagan “Revolution”? Parasitic middle-men and Ayn Rand worshipping dirty energy producers using their control over the machines of government to prevent individuals from taking effective action on the behalf of their neighbors and descendants? These people believe that any action that is not motivated by greed should be forbidden, and it seems that they have the power to make it so.

Is the Sustainable Forestry Initiative for real?

The Forest Ethics website says SFI is a greenwashing scam.

WordPress autoupdate did not break my RSS.

I really like WordPress, but the last spontaneous update (the autoupdate feature was recently enabled by default) seems to have broken my RSS. Good thing nobody reads this blog, I guess! I’m turning the bloody thing off. Grumble grumble grumble.

Update 2014-02-05: Perhaps not related to the 3.8.1 autoupdate, but rather to the new version of WordPress’s embedded post editor in 3.8. The damnable thing (which has always been too “expert hostile” for my taste, in every version) took a quote that I’d pasted in from a .PDF and sprinkled it with magical invisible ^L characters, which are not legitimate in RSS. I found them with a serious editor and got rid of them, now RSS works again.

I think it’s just me.

XKCD and buttersafe seem to be channeling Buttercup Festival. Or maybe it’s just me?

New Challenger Photos?

Over at Reddit there’s an ongoing discussion of some photos of the 1986 Challenger disaster.

The events of that day are pretty well seared into my memory, because I was working on the Morton Thiokol test range at the time, helping Ronald Reagan provide nuclear weapons capabilities to Arabs.

Francis Scobee (commanding), Michael Smith, Ronald McNair, Ellison Onizuka, Judith Resnik, Greg Jarvis, and Christa McAuliffe were the crew of STS-51L.

Turing pardoned

Alan Turing was a brilliant British code-breaker in World War II and probably responsible for saving (at least) thousands of lives. He and his colleagues made a huge contribution to the eventual defeat of the Axis powers, and to modern computer science and cryptography. But because Turing was a homosexual, the British Government rewarded this service with vicious persecution – including so-called “chemical castration” – that eventually drove him to suicide.

Human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell has said: “I pay tribute to the government for ensuring Alan Turing has a royal pardon at last but I do think it’s very wrong that other men convicted of exactly the same offence are not even being given an apology, let alone a royal pardon.”

A very tiny apocalypse

Oracle’s finally going to make good on their threat to stop allowing unsigned Java code to run from web browsers.

This may wreak great havoc in the world of lame web-launched java-based applications. Such as those infesting governments, hospitals and large corporations who aren’t savvy enough to use LAMP for their web development.

Good software will not be in any way impacted by this event.

All you need to know about so-called “global warming”.


Global warming is the hipster way to say air pollution.
It’s like calling your car your “wheels”.

The Keeling Curve

Empirical value of college education in the early 21st century

If you can’t get a job, what good is a degree; and if you can get a job, why do you need an expensive piece of paper?

Graduates have been complaining for years now (and although the sense of entitlement displayed in their complaints is kind of off-putting, it’s not like they don’t have a point.)

In certain fields a sheepskin still has value, but it seems certain that the value of experience is always higher.

Decreasing availability of work (no sign of that trend stopping – what kind of recovery is a jobless recovery anyway?) means employers can choose to hire only the most experienced and knowledgeable workers on the market, without having to pay especially high wages.