National Pipeline Mapping System

Heather found this fascinating web app. It’s crippled, of course, in accordance with the self-destructive paranoia of our times (NEWS FLASH: TERRORISTS CAN EASILY FIND GAS LINES ANYWAY) but it’s still pretty neat.

“The NPMS Public Map Viewer enables the user to view National Pipeline Mapping System data one county at a time. NPMS data consists of gas transmission pipelines and hazardous liquid trunklines. (It does not contain gathering or distribution pipelines, such as lines which deliver gas to a customer’s home.)”

“Please note that the Public Viewer limits the scale of pipeline maps, in accordance with PHMSA’s security policy. When you are zoomed in closer than a 1:24,000 scale (approximately 0.2 miles on the scale bar), you will notice that the pipelines have disappeared from the map. In order to see the pipelines, you must either zoom out or set the scale to 1:24,000 or a greater number. Data cannot be downloaded from the Public Viewer.”

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