October 14th, 947 A.H.

On October 14th, 1066, William the Bastard of Normandy got to change his name to William the Conqueror of England.

Jan 6thHarald Godwinsson crowned the last Saxon King of England, despite a mildly controversial succession from gormless celibate King Edward the Confessor.
Apr 24th – Halley’s Comet shines over England, four times the size of Venus and brighter than the quarter moon. Flying monk Elmer of Malmesbury writes “You’ve come, you source of tears to many mothers, you evil. I hate you! It is long since I saw you; but as I see you now you are much more terrible, for I see you brandishing the downfall of my country.”
Sep 20thHarald Hardraada, King of Norway, invades Yorkshire with the aid of Tostig Godwinsson, the (brutal, extremely unpopular, exiled) former Earl of Northumbria. Northern Saxon Earls Edwin and Morcar are crushingly defeated at the Battle of Fulford.
Sep 25th – King Harold Godwinson force-marches his huscarls the length of England in four days, catching the invading Norwegians by surprise at the Battle of Stamford Bridge. Harold offers his rebel brother Tostig restoration of his Earldom, but for Hardraada he promises only “seven feet of English ground, or as much more as he may be taller than other men”. Tostig refuses and he and Harald are both killed, along with nearly all the Viking force.
Sep 27thWilliam the Bastard sets sail for England with Church approval and 700 vessels stuffed full of men and horses.
Sep 28th – William arrives at Pevensey Bay, Sussex, after a rough crossing and the loss of several ships.
Oct 14th – Godwinsson arrives at Senlac Hill near the town of Hastings, having once again force-marched his men over 240 miles. William’s relatively fresh Norman-French army attacks the English force, and Harold and his brothers are killed. Harold’s mother offers to buy his body for its weight in gold; William refuses and orders it hurled into the sea.
Dec 25th – After burning down much of the south and west, William the Conqueror is crowned the first Norman King of England.

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