and the wires came down

Yesterday a big limb fell and landed on the overhead wiring connecting the barn and house. The elderly ceramic strain relief did not fail or pull out.. instead it ripped the corner board right off the house, shingles a-flying. Pictures soon.

The wire then apparently rebounded like a trampoline and fired the limb back into the air, and it ended up down below the deck where you couldn’t see it from the walkway.

So when I came home the wiring was drooping across the deck and caught in the top of the service berries with naily boards dangling from it, and despite a sprinkling of busted cedar shingling and sycamore twigs, no obvious sign of how this happened. I couldn’t figure it out until I found the limb laying below the deck in a smash of daffodils and daylillies.

The power was still on in the barn and the wires seem reasonably intact – no obvious stretching or insulation damage. I need to bury that thing one of these days.

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