new version of RHEL aoe initscript is up

Turns out Red Hat Enterprise Linux v6 is using udev 147, so the aoe udev rules as distributed by coraid & others are obsolete(ish). The kernel throws errors when it hits the NAME=”%k” clause, and the udev folks say “It is and always was completely superfluous. It will break kernel supplied DEVNAMEs and therefore it needs to be removed… Kernel 2.6.31 supplies the needed names if they are not the default.” The RHEL6 kernel is 2.6.32 so I have revised the rules accordingly.

(Remember, if you use zaoe you have to modify the mknode setting in the script to suit your version of Red Hat linux. Currently the default is RHEL6, although it’s mostly being used in RHEL5.)

Another, more worrisome issue is that using the Red Hat supplied kernel module causes problems with the new VSX and ESM hardware, but using the latest coraid module makes the kernel throw tons of ‘aoe: unknown ioctl 0x1’ errors. Damned if you do and if you don’t!